Sustainability strategy development, implementation, engagement and learning
Facilitation workshops for strategic visioning, values, theories of change and//or new projects
Organisational change towards regenerative, inclusive and adaptive ways of working//being
Strategic partnerships development, income generation and learning
I have over ten years of experience in the sustainable food systems and humanitarian sectors in the UK, Asia, and East Africa. My work has been a beautiful mosaic of advocacy, systems-level strategy, partnerships, co-design and facilitation towards better, more just and intraconnected futures.
Through working on factory floors, behind office walls and in 'the field', I have leveraged intrapreneurial innovation to evolve the strategic direction of the United Nations, local NGOs and private businesses (of varying scale) for deeper, sustained social and environmental impact.
I have helped organisations to develop and implement transformative, creative sustainability strategies as well as the associated innovative programming, partnerships, and learning agendas. Core to the way I work is creativity and collaboration, drawing upon the arts, senses, spiritual discourse, untamed imaginations, systems theory and ecology. If we are to seed and catalyse projects that re-write our current story to one which is regenerative with greater tolerance and compassion, then we need to think and act systemically, listen deeply and sensemake maturely whilst learning voices 'unheard' - be it nature or underepresented communities - and paying close attention to the interrelational dynamics of living systems.
I am increasingly and particularly interested in facilitating for social transformation, and one major pillar of this is recalibrating and sustaining our own vitality and with this the vitality of the systems we are part of (from what we put in the body and how restoratively we rest, to the stories we tell ourselves and the mindsets we adopt, to how we interact with one and other and with the environment, to the choices we make and our willingness to be vulnerable, to our openness to mystery and the courageous, gentle processing of trauma, to the depth of interconnection we feel and our intimacy with the present moment)…
Example past work:
Sustainability strategy development and implementation in global supply chains to create social and environmental impact and in tandem business value
Sustainability and innovation culture strengthening to support teams with the mindsets, skills and resources to execute activities and feel engaged and inspired to do the hard (yet rewarding) work
Systems-level impact monitoring, evaluation and learning
Collaborative innovation of locally led projects, products and services to solve social and evironmental challenges; including co-design, visioning, stakeholder mapping and engagement, theories of change etc
Responsible sourcing strategy and associated project development, including ethical auditing, toolkits and policies through to multi-stakeholder partnerships
Multi-stakeholder partnerships development and management to secure sustainable raw material supply, meet impact goals and derive value to farmers and nature alike
Business development for agricultural start-ups operating across the food system in East Africa to enhance impact, efficiencies and sustainability and achieve appropriate scale
Fundraising and income generation for innovative projects, products and services working towards sustainable food systems transformation
Research, insight and evidence generation for systems level impact of programming
Please do reach out if you are looking for support with your sustainability agenda, systems and//or organisational change work or for creative co-design and facilitation services.
Past clients: United Nations World Food Programme; Farm to Market Alliance Brown’s Food Co; Grove and Meadow; Food Beyond the Plate
Past board positions: Sustainable Rice Platform (co-convened by UNEP & IRRI)
Past partners: Helvetas; USAID; NORAD; Amani x Global Food; Mars Foods; Associated British Foods; Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA); Galaxy Rice Mills