I am an empathetic facilitator with a particular interest in living systems theory for both social transformation and sustainable systems transformation, integral to which is ensuring our own collective vitality.
“The universe is transformation: life is opinion” ~ Marcus Aurelius
For social transformation
Effective systems change work requires a quality of energy and spirit that fosters cooperation, alignment and well-being; systems-actualisation requires self-actualisation.
Drawing upon the work that reconnects and wam data theory, I am increasingly offering facilitation for social transformation through creative workshops and events. At the core of this is supporting individuals, organisations and communities to build their capacities for creating change, building tolerance and realising their collective potential.
I am in an experimental stage, piloting ideas and iterating my approach and building my own skillsets. Dynamic experiments are necessary when working with complex human systems!
Core influencers as: Nora Bateson, Joanna Macy, Regenesis, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi, David Whyte, Alan Watts, Tara Brach, Rick Rubins, Clarissa Pinkola Estés and ancient spiritual discourse.
Visuals & final creative output by Katherine Haugh
For the development of theories of change, project design and sustainability strategies
Facilitating organisations to clearly articulate their strategic vision, map out how they will get to this desired future state and measure their dynamic progress in an unburdensome and illuminating way.
Through creative questioning and deep listening we identify priorities (a process which often needs mediation and expansive tools to reach consensus) and then co-design the plan to create impact in these areas. My approach is collaborative, playful and future-thinking - drawing from ecology, spiritual discourse and living systems theory.
I believe that we can achieve better futures if humans and organisations alike begin taking courageous steps towards intraconnection, reciprocity, and empathy. What if we evolved with nature, regenerated rather than did less harm, better understood our own inner landscapes, built supportive communities, moved beyond consumerism and lived with vitality, all whilst practicing radical acceptance?!